Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has been involved in numerous regional conflicts, which have provided impetus for efforts to equip police, infantry, and security services with adequate and manageable close-combat weapons. And their diversity is truly astonishing. In this book, Ilya Shaydurov documents the entire spectrum of Russian close-combat weapons: grenade pistols, grenade launchers, anti-tank rifles, bunker fists, flamethrowers, and many more. Among the models presented are weapons about which little was known in the past due to their use by the KGB and other intelligence agencies.
- Comprehensive and competent presentation - also about little-known secret service weapons
- with detailed illustrations, photos and technical data
Ilya Shaydurov is a Russian scholar at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, specializing in the history of Russian firearms.
“Russische Nahkampfmittel ” by Ilya Shaydurov, Motorbuch Verlag, Munich 2017, 256 pages, in German language