Many hiking areas today are hopelessly overcrowded because few hikers venture into pathless terrain. At the same time, the number of lost hikers is steadily increasing. Even experienced hunters and anglers often don't know how to use compasses, maps, and GPS correctly. In this outdoor handbook, Reinhard Kummer teaches hikers, canoeists, drivers, cyclists, and motorcyclists the basics of these three navigation tools. First, the fundamentals and terminology of cartography and the structure of topographic maps are explained. Then, methods for using maps, compasses, and GPS are presented.
Some exercises (with solutions) are printed for practice. Useful addresses of geographical bookstores and compass and GPS manufacturers, as well as literature recommendations, round out this book.
Civilian book from the "OUTDOOR Basiswissen" series, 91 pages, 16th edition from 2021. A wealth of knowledge on the subject of orientation in the field, presented in a compact format.