Say it clearly, say it loud: Piefke!
The average Austrian uses the name with rather negative connotations. "Piefke" has a historical origin: On July 31, 1866, after the end of the Austro-Prussian War, a grand parade with the 3rd, 4th, and parts of the 2nd Army Corps took place in front of King Wilhelm I of Prussia in the Marchfeld near Gänserndorf, about 20 km from Vienna. In addition to Johann Gottfried Piefke – known as "August" – his brother Rudolf (1835–1900) also conducted a band. The cry "The Piefkes are coming" is said to have spread among the Viennese who rushed to the scene and became a symbol for the 50,000 marching Prussians.
A name from a country where trains still ran on time.
Size: 9 x 3.2 cm
Back: Velcro hooks
Made in Europe