Handlungsfähig in Extremsituation, der Umgang mit Adrenalin von Markus Schimpl

Capable of action in extreme situations – the book

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It can happen to anyone – we can find ourselves in a situation that is exceptional for us. Be it being involved in an accident, being threatened, ambushed, or having our home broken into, or encountering an extreme situation while exercising or performing everyday tasks. Many people are then unable to act, unable to help themselves or others, and paralyzed.

This is precisely where Markus Schimpl comes in. He demonstrates a variety of techniques for remaining able to act in such situations. How can one acquire mental strength and stress resistance in order to remain calm and thoughtful in exceptional situations and be able to act?

Don't freeze

• Act, don't freeze
• What everyone can learn
• Using professional methods

A series of interviews with people who are regularly confronted with extreme situations in their lives round off the book and show which methods professionals use to remain able to act.

Markus Schimpl , a security expert and author, has been working in government and civil security since 1991 and draws on extensive national and international operational and professional experience. He has been intensively involved with self-protection for over 20 years. He regularly publishes in various specialist magazines on the topics of self-protection, de-escalation, and personal protection.