Ready for service in pairs.
Man’s best friend is also his strongest helper.
Dogs save lives, but they also catch criminals, detect drugs, and search for contraband at airports. Others rescue victims trapped in earthquakes and avalanches. Or they accompany soldiers into combat. Service dogs bravely and loyally stand by their human comrades.
“K9 – Dogs for Action” explains how service dogs are made and how they perform in a team.
Author Karl-Heinz Klöpper is an experienced dog trainer for government agencies. He shares his extensive experience in selecting and training animals for service. This not only focuses on the "making of a service dog," but also on the development of a very special relationship: between an exceptional animal and its owner.
“K9 – Hunde im Einsatz. Wie Diensthunde Trainiert werden ” by Karl-Heinz Klöpper, SPARTANAT Black Book 7, pocket-sized paperback, 144 pages, in German language.
HERE you can find “K9” – the patch for the book